Nodes Overview
Nodes in Databraid
Nodes are the fundamental building blocks in Databraid that represent individual units of functionality. They are used to process, manipulate, and visualize data within a braid. Databraid provides a wide range of built-in nodes categorized into different groups based on their purpose and functionality.
Basic Nodes
Basic nodes provide essential functionality for data manipulation, flow control, and debugging in Databraid.
- time: Provides the current time or a specific time value.
- const: Represents a constant value of a specific data type.
- string: Manipulates and processes string data.
- data: Handles generic data objects and their properties.
- object_property: Accesses or modifies properties of an object.
- watch: Monitors and logs the value of a specific data point.
- cast: Converts data between different types.
- console: Outputs data to the console for debugging purposes.
- alert: Displays an alert message to the user.
- script: Allows custom data processing using JavaScript code.
Color Nodes
Color nodes are used for working with color palettes and color-related operations in Databraid.
- palette: Represents a collection of colors or a color scheme.
Event Nodes
Event nodes handle event-based operations and flow control in Databraid.
- log: Records and stores events for logging and analysis.
- sequencer: Generates a sequence of events based on a specified pattern or timeline.
- filter: Filters events based on specific criteria or conditions.
- counter: Counts the occurrence of events over time.
- delay: Introduces a delay between the input and output of events.
- timer: Generates events at regular intervals or after a specified duration.
Graph Nodes
Graph nodes are used for creating and manipulating subgraphs within a braid.
- subgraph: Represents a nested subgraph within the main braid.
- input: Defines an input point for a subgraph.
- output: Defines an output point for a subgraph.
Graphics Nodes
Graphics nodes provide capabilities for visual rendering, image processing, and video manipulation in Databraid.
- plot: Renders a graphical plot or chart based on input data.
- image: Represents an image file or a generated image.
- frame: Represents a single frame in a sequence of images or a video.
- imagefade: Applies a fade effect to an image.
- cropImage: Crops an image to a specified region.
- canvas: Provides a canvas for drawing and rendering graphics.
- drawImage: Draws an image onto a canvas.
- drawRectangle: Draws a rectangle shape onto a canvas.
- video: Represents a video file or a video stream.
- webcam: Captures video input from a connected webcam.
Logic Nodes
Logic nodes are used for conditional processing and flow control in Databraid.
- selector: Selects a specific value based on a given condition.
- sequence: Executes a sequence of operations in a specific order.
Math Nodes
Math nodes provide mathematical operations and functions for data processing in Databraid.
- converter: Converts values between different units or scales.
- bypass: Passes the input value to the output without modification.
- to_number: Converts a value to a numeric representation.
- range: Generates a range of values based on specified parameters.
- rand: Generates a random value within a specified range.
- noise: Generates noise values based on various algorithms.
- spikes: Detects and outputs spike or peak values in a signal.
- clamp: Constrains a value within a specified range.
- lerp: Performs linear interpolation between two values.
- abs: Calculates the absolute value of a number.
- floor: Rounds down a value to the nearest integer.
- frac: Returns the fractional part of a number.
- smoothstep: Performs smooth interpolation between two values based on a third value.
- scale: Scales a value from one range to another.
- average: Calculates the average value of a set of numbers.
- tendTo: Gradually changes a value towards a target value over time.
- operation: Performs mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- compare: Compares two values and outputs a boolean result.
- condition: Evaluates a condition and outputs a value based on the result.
- accumulate: Accumulates and sums up values over time.
- trigonometry: Performs trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent.
- formula: Evaluates a mathematical formula based on input values.
Network Nodes
Network nodes enable communication and data exchange between braids and external systems.
- websocket: Establishes a WebSocket connection for real-time communication.
- sillyclient: Provides a simplified client for network communication.
Widget Nodes
Widget nodes are used for creating user interface elements and interactive controls in Databraid.
- button: Represents a clickable button.
- toggle: Represents a toggle switch.
- number: Displays and allows input of numeric values.
- knob: Represents a rotary knob control.
- internal_slider: Represents a slider control for internal values.
- hslider: Represents a horizontal slider control.
- progress: Displays a progress bar.
- text: Displays and allows input of text values.
- panel: Represents a container for grouping and organizing other widgets.
These are the main categories and nodes available in Databraid. Each node provides specific functionality and can be connected with other nodes to create powerful and interactive braids. By combining and configuring these nodes, you can build complex data processing pipelines, audio and visual applications, and interactive experiences.
Remember to refer to the individual node documentation for more detailed information on their inputs, outputs, and configuration options.