Databraid Beads Documentation
Welcome to the Databraid Beads documentation! Beads are the fundamental building blocks of Databraid, providing a wide range of functionalities to create powerful and flexible data processing workflows. Each bead is designed to perform a specific task, from data manipulation and integration to AI-powered processing and visualization.
Explore the Beads
Data Manipulation Beads
- JoinNode: Combine and merge data from multiple sources seamlessly.
- TextNode: Perform text processing and manipulation tasks with ease.
- JSONExtractor: Extract and transform JSON data effortlessly.
- IterableNode: Iterate over data collections and apply transformations.
Data Source Beads
- ScrapNode: Scrape web pages and extract valuable information.
- LoadFileNode: Load data from various file formats.
- LoadImageNode: Import and process image files.
- WikipediaNode: Retrieve information from Wikipedia articles.
- HNNode: Fetch data from the Hacker News API.
- LoadExcelNode: Load and parse data from Excel spreadsheets.
- “On This Day Node: Access historical events and anniversaries.
- MeteoNode: Retrieve weather data and forecasts.
- TrafficNode: Get real-time traffic information.
- NewsAPINode: Fetch news articles from various sources.
- OpenWeather: Integrate with the OpenWeather API for weather data.
AI and Language Model Beads
- LLMProcess: Perform advanced language processing tasks using Large Language Models (LLMs).
- Translate: Translate text between different languages.
- OpenAINode: Integrate with OpenAI’s powerful language models.
- GPTVisionNode: Perform image analysis and generation using OpenAI’s GPT models.
- ClaudeVisionNode: Utilize Anthropic’s Claude models for image processing.
- OpenAIEmbedNode: Generate embeddings using OpenAI’s models.
- OpenAINodeAdv: Access advanced features of OpenAI’s language models.
- ClaudeNode: Integrate with Anthropic’s Claude language models.
- SemanticComparator: Compare and analyze semantic similarity between text data.
Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text Beads
- PollyNode: Convert text to speech using Amazon Polly.
- WhisperNode: Transcribe speech to text using OpenAI’s Whisper model.
Data Conversion Beads
- CSVToJSONNode: Convert CSV data to JSON format.
- JSONToCSVNode: Convert JSON data to CSV format.
- ExcelToJSONNode: Convert Excel data to JSON format.
- PDFToMarkdownNode: Extract text from PDF files and convert it to Markdown.
Data Visualization Beads
- TextViewerNode: Display and visualize text data.
- MosaicViewerNode: Create mosaic-style visualizations from image data.
Utility and Component Beads
- PositionNode: Retrieve and manipulate position information.
- ObjectConst: Define and store constant object values.
- StringTemplateReplacer: Perform string template replacements.
- NearestCityNode: Find the nearest city based on geographic coordinates.
- FetchExternalNode: Fetch data from external APIs and services.
- HeadersNode: Manage and manipulate HTTP headers.
- JSONPathNode: Extract data from JSON using JSONPath expressions.
- JSONataNode: Transform and query JSON data using JSONata.
- DictionaryNode: Store and retrieve key-value pairs.
- ComboDictionary: Create dropdown menus for selecting dictionary values.
- MultiComboDictionary: Create multi-select dropdown menus for dictionary values.
Getting Started
To get started with Databraid Beads, follow these steps:
- Install Databraid and set up your development environment.
- Explore the available beads and their functionalities.
- Drag and drop beads onto the canvas to create your data processing workflow.
- Connect the beads to define the flow of data between them.
- Configure the properties and settings of each bead according to your requirements.
- Run your workflow and monitor the results.
Documentation Structure
The Databraid Beads documentation is organized into the following sections:
- Bead Categories: Explore the different categories of beads, such as Data Manipulation, Data Sources, AI and Language Models, and more.
- Individual Bead Documentation: Dive into the details of each bead, including its purpose, inputs, outputs, and configuration options.
- Examples and Tutorials: Learn how to use beads effectively through practical examples and step-by-step tutorials.
- Best Practices: Discover best practices and tips for creating efficient and maintainable workflows using beads.
- Troubleshooting: Find solutions to common issues and troubleshooting guides.
We welcome contributions from the community to enhance the Databraid Beads documentation. If you find any errors, have suggestions for improvement, or want to add new content, please follow our contribution guidelines.
Feedback and Support
If you have any questions, feedback, or need assistance with Databraid Beads, please reach out to our support team or join our community forums. We are here to help you make the most out of Databraid and its powerful bead system.
Start exploring the Databraid Beads documentation and unleash the full potential of your data processing workflows!